The Arms, Hands and Fingers, as Extensions from the Heart to the Cosmos
As humans, we are blessed with arms, hands, and fingers. Opening our arms, there is an expansive, winglike quality to them. There is a lot of visible and invisible activity permeating through and also the space around our whole selves, etheric currents, rhythmic pulsations, blood flow, hormones, secretions, air. With the arms, hands and fingers, we are able to extend our innermost selves, our intentions, will, wisdom and care, outward into the world and the cosmos. We are able to produce and express music through the intricacy and strength of our fingertips, write stories and poetry, form clay vessels, build homes, touch each other, mend clothing, pray, create art. Through our fingers we are able to heal, and create much that is incredible and beautiful, which in turn, inspires more of its like. There is a verse from the Bhagavad Gita: There is a fig tree In ancient story, The giant Ashvattha, The everlasting, Rooted in heaven, Its branches earthward; Each of its leaves Is ...